Career development

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  2. About
  3. Careers
  4. Career development
Macquarie University Hospital
3 Technology Place
Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia
Integrated health care produces better outcomes for patients Integrating clinical practice with research and education

Build your career at MQ Health

Learning and growth is fundamental to our purpose of Heal-Learn-Discover. If growing your career in healthcare is your interest, then MQ Health is for you.

We support staff to attend relevant studies and make the most of the opportunities provided by the University, including:

  • development grants
  • MGSM scholarships
  • MQ postgraduate scholarships
  • training courses offered to staff and managers.

Our Study for Staff scheme provides all staff with the opportunity to attend a lecture series as part of their approved professional development without enrolling in a degree program.

Other career development opportunites

MQ Health also offers the following opportunities for career development:

A postgraduate education scholarship to support employees with relevant postgraduate studies at any accredited educational institution.

MQ Health’s greatest asset are our people. Our education program brings to life the vision and purpose “To learn” through employees.

We recognise the importance of ongoing professional development for all staff. MQ Health endeavours to support staff by providing a comprehensive learning and development program that includes mandatory training and ongoing training and development.

MQ Health eLearning modules provide employee education on a safe and healthy work environment for staff.

Modules include:

  • emergency procedures
  • manual handling
  • infection control
  • safe medication administration
  • management of the deteriorating patient.

Updating and developing your skills helps to maintain career satisfaction and provides opportunities to enhance your current role or take on a new role within the hospital.

Our employees can use the Macquarie University Library for both personal and professional development.

This includes access to:

  • international journals and databases
  • medication tools and references
  • leading nursing databases
  • guidelines from regulators such as Ministry of Health, Therapeutic Guidelines, PBS, CEC, Agency for Clinical Innovation, NHMRC and much more.

Staff can borrow material from the library, as well as access the online resources. This further helps to achieve our purpose of research and excellence.