Health Professionals

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Dr Ruy da Assunção


Orthopaedic Surgery

Ruy da Assunção


Dr da Assunção trained in Orthopaedic Surgery in England and Australia. He has dual Fellowship of both the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He has extensive experience in reconstruction and replacement of the hip and knee as well as trauma surgery. He undertook prestigious trauma Fellowships in Perth and Seattle, USA and hip/knee Fellowships in Sydney and Oxford, UK. He provides a modern, personalised surgical service, using cutting edge techniques to restore mobility and quality of life with empathy, compassion and shared decision making. He believes strongly that every patient deserves a solution tailored to their individual needs.

Contact details

Clinic opening hours
  • Mon: Closed
  • Tue: Closed
  • Wed: Closed
  • Thu: Closed
  • Fri: Closed
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed
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