2 Technology Place
Macquarie University NSW 2109
A world-class service, now in two locations
Need more information about visiting the MQ Health Breast Implant Clinic? Find answers to our most commonly asked questions here.
Who can refer me to your clinic?
No referral is needed to visit our clinic.
What happens after I book my appointment?
MQ Health Breast Implant Clinic will send an email confirmation as well as any instructions for your upcoming appointment. We will also send an SMS reminder a couple of days prior to your appointment.
How long should I allow for my first appointment?
We recommend you allow 45 minutes for your consultation with the breast physician. We also recommend you allow a further 45 minutes as, in most cases, an ultrasound test will also be organised for immediately after your consultation.
Is there parking available?
Yes there is. Directions and parking information can be found here.
We suggest you bring the following items to all appointments:
- Cards – Medicare, health fund, pension and Veterans' Affairs cards.
- Completed patient form – Alternatively, you can email it back to us at integrated.clinics@muh.org.au before your appointment.
Arriving at the clinic
You will need to complete a patient information form. Our staff will then register you as a patient.
Your initial consultation
Next you will be seen by a breast physician, who may send you for an ultrasound.
Your doctor will talk to you about your results, when and if you need to come back, and your ongoing treatment plan.
Next steps
Before you leave, our reception staff will create an account for your consultation and any testing performed. Upon payment, we can electronically lodge your account claim with Medicare.
You can also make any follow-up appointments at reception before you leave.
How much will my appointment cost?
A routine breast implant check incurs an out-of-pocket cost of less than $70. The upfront fee is $175 of which $108.85 can be claimed from Medicare.
A bulk-billed ultrasound scan can also be accessed at Macquarie Medical Imaging (MMI) if required on the same day, at no out-of-pocket expense to you.
Will I get money back from Medicare?
Medicare offer rebates for your appointment fees. In most cases, however, there will be a gap between Medicare rebates and our fees as explained above.
We can lodge your rebate with Medicare on your behalf when you pay for your appointment. Medicare will then credit your nominated bank account.
Will I get money back from my private health insurance?
Most private policies only cover you when you are admitted to hospital and don’t cover specialist consultations.
For more information, speak to your health fund directly about what’s covered in your policy.
When do I pay for my appointment?
MQ Health Integrated Breast Implant Clinic is not a bulk billing practice, so you will need to pay at the time of your consultation.
We welcome positive and constructive feedback in order to continuously improve our service. You can leave a message in the feedback box in the reception area, complete our survey or email us at feedback@mqhealth.org.au
If you feel your experience with us has been unsatisfactory, please discuss any complaints with us in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact either the Health Care Complaints Commissioner on 1800 043 159 or the NSW Ombudsman on 1800 451 524 to discuss your complaint.