Patient information

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Suite 302, Level 3
2 Technology Place
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Learn more about the doctors involved in our clinic Integrated healthcare produces better outcomes for patients Due to COVID-19 Telehealth is available, where appropriate Make an enquiry Clinic fees, claims and financial assistance Macquarie University Hospital

Your journey to a healthy weight

Our specialists and experts are all based at our MQ Health clinics. They design evidence-based treatments that are customised to patient needs to help them achieve their long-term goals of living a healthier lifestyle.

We give patients with the greatest opportunity to achieve success by offering programs fit for them. Ongoing support is always available after completion of healthy weight programs.

Your initial consultation at the Healthy Weight Clinic includes a comprehensive assessment with an endocrinologist, an exercise physiologist and a dietitian.

  • Endocrinologist
  • Dietitian

With allied health professionals and referrals to other specialists as required.

  • Bariatric surgery consultation - surgery
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Registered Physiologist

Combined appointments for couples/family can be provided.

Need more information about visiting the Healthy Weight Clinic? Find answers to our most commonly asked questions here.

Who can refer me to your clinic?

You are welcome to book an appointment directly with our clinic. However a referral from medical practitioner or specialist will allow you to claim a rebate from Medicare. Referrals from a specialist are valid for three months, while referrals from a GP are valid for twelve months.

How can I contact you?

Contact us on +61 (2) 9812 2941 to make an appointment with our clinicians, or to discuss your health concerns.

What happens after I book my appointment?

MQ Health Healthy Weight Clinic will call to confirm your appointment and remind you of any necessary reports that you will need to bring with you on the day.

How long should I allow for my first appointment?

We recommend you allow two hours. During your first visit to our clinic you'll need to complete a questionnaire, and discuss your medical history and condition with your specialist in detail.

Is there parking available?

Yes. View our directions and parking information.

We suggest you bring the following items to all appointments:

  • referral – a valid referral from your medical practitioner or specialist if you have one
  • cards – Medicare, health fund, pension and Veterans' Affairs cards
  • medication list – include all your current medications, vitamins and supplements
  • test results – including imaging, test results and pathology from the past 6–12 months
  • discharge summaries or procedure reports if necessary
  • comfortable clothing if you are having a test/exercise.
Arriving at the clinic

You will need to complete a patient information form. Our staff will then register you as a patient.

Your initial consultation

Your initial consultation at the Healthy Weight Clinic includes a comprehensive assessment with an endocrinologist, an exercise physiologist and a dietitian.

We offer patients the greatest opportunity to achieve success by designing programs tailored for them. Ongoing support is always available after completion of healthy weight programs.

Your team will talk to you about your care plan and follow-up.

Next steps

Before you leave, our reception staff will create an account for your consultation and any testing performed. After you pay we can electronically lodge your account claim with Medicare.

You can also make any follow-up appointments at reception before you leave.

How much will my appointment cost?

Cost can vary depending on which clinician you see. Please contact the clinic for more details.

Will I get money back from Medicare?

Medicare offers rebates for your appointment fees with a valid referral. You will need a different type of referral from your GP to claim from Medicare for the allied health professional fees – for more details please contact the clinic. In most cases there will be a gap between Medicare rebates and our fees.

We can lodge your rebate with Medicare on your behalf when you pay for your appointment. Medicare will then credit your nominated bank account.

Will I get money back from my private health insurance?

Most private policies only cover you when you are admitted to hospital and don’t cover specialist consultations. If you have extras cover some of your allied health costs may also be covered. For more information, speak to your health fund directly about what’s covered in your policy.

When do I pay for my appointment?

MQ Health Healthy Weight Clinic is not a bulk billing practice, so you will need to pay at the time of your consultation.

Don’t forget to bring your pensioner, health care or DVA cards to ensure we bill you at the correct rate.

What if I am a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patient?

If you are a DVA patient with a gold card, we can lodge your account directly to DVA with no out-of-pocket expense for you. Remember to bring your gold card to each appointment.

Patient feedback

We welcome positive and constructive feedback in order to continuously improve our service. You can leave a message in the feedback box in the reception area; complete our survey; or email us at

If you feel your experience with us has been unsatisfactory, please discuss any complaints with us in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with our actions, you can contact either the Health Care Complaints Commissioner on 1800 043 159 or the NSW Ombudsman on 1800 451 524 to discuss your complaint.