2 Technology Place
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Body procedures
MQ Health Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic provides a range of procedures to shape the body, especially after changes caused by weight loss, pregnancy or ageing.
Arm lift (Brachioplasty) tightens loose skin in the upper underarm and arm pits. Similarly, a thigh lift tightens loose skin and removes excess fat from the thighs.
Like other cosmetic procedures, arm and thigh lifts are not total weight loss solutions; rather, they are best done when you have reached your ideal weight, and there is excess skin that you would like to see removed.
For thigh lifts, the locations of incisions vary depending on whether the inner, outer or entire thigh area is being addressed. Thigh lifts can sometimes be combined with buttock lifts.
People who have undergone extreme weight loss often have excess loose skin and tissue around the abdomen, hips, buttocks, arms and outer thighs. Our patients include people who have undergone bariatric (weight loss) surgery, and people who have achieved significant weight loss through exercise and dieting.
Body lift surgery does not remove significant fat deposits, and is not a weight loss treatment. It instead complements the overall appearance after weight loss by reshaping the abdomen, upper thighs and buttocks by pulling up and removing excess skin from these areas.
Body lift surgery can help address poor self-esteem about body image, as well as side effects of having excess skin, such as infection, rash, chafing, pain and ulceration.
Liposuction is one of the most common types of plastic surgery procedures. It is designed to remove excess fat from areas that appear out of proportion to the rest of the body. In females, this is most often in the outer hip area and the flanks (affectionately known as love handles). In men, the focus is on fat around the centre of the body.
MQ Health has the most advanced liposuction technology available in Australia, which allows large volumes of fat to be removed safely and effectively. The procedure uses very small incisions, has fast healing and minimal down-time. Compression garments are used for four to six weeks following the procedure to reduce bruising and swelling, and encourage skin contraction.
Liposuction generally works best for patients who are already close to their ideal weight. It is not a weight loss tool and must be combined with a healthy and stable dietary and exercise regime.
A tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) enhances the shape and tone of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat from the middle and lower region of the abdomen. The underlying abdominal wall muscles are tightened at the same time, to give the abdomen a firmer and flatter appearance. Liposuction is used as a contouring tool to enhance the natural curves of the waist and flanks.
Candidates for Abdominoplasty include those with excess skin folds resulting from pregnancy or significant weight loss. The procedure is also used to address unwanted stretch marks or scars. The umbilicus (navel or belly button) is preserved and the result is a natural and more youthful look. The procedure is done under general anaesthetic and takes about three hours. Patients should expect a hospital stay of three to four days.
A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive procedure, removing skin and fat only from below the umbilicus. This is often performed through an existing Caesarian scar.
Abdominoplasty can be combined with other surgeries such as liposuction or breast reduction.