Telehealth service

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Telehealth information

Many of the specialist and primary care clinics at MQ Health are providing Telehealth services (video and phone consultations).


Please contact the relevant clinic for more information on the cost associated with Telehealth.

Specialist referral

Referring doctors can fax or email a referral to the relevant clinic for Telehealth consultations.

Patient information

Telehealth is easy to use. A Telehealth appointment is just like a regular appointment with your healthcare provider but conducted via video on your computer or mobile phone device, or simply via telephone.

Once your doctor or therapist determines that a Telehealth consultation is appropriate, our clinic administration staff will call you to obtain your referral and any other details required. They will arrange an appointment time and provide an overview of how the Telehealth appointment works. They are there to answer any questions you may have.

Our team will let you know if you need to have any tests done (such as a blood test or X-ray) ahead of the Telehealth call, so that your results will be available in time for the appointment.

  • For phone consultations, the doctor or therapist will call you at the specified time.
  • For video consultations, a link will be emailed to you in advance of the call to click on at the specified time.

After the consultation, one of our clinic administrative staff will contact you to take payment and arrange a follow-up appointment if required — using Telehealth or face-to-face.


Please contact the clinic directly for more information and to book an appointment.