Aqua aerobics

  1. MQ Health
  2. Services
  3. Wellness services
  4. Aqua aerobics

Hydrotherapy for cancer survivors

MQ Health's Cancer Program and Macquarie University Sports and Aquatic Centre (MUSAC) have joined forces to provide a gentle aqua aerobic class for cancer survivors.

The class has been added to the programs available at the Macquarie University Sports and Aquatic Centre and is designed specifically for women who have ever been diagnosed with any form of cancer.

The Live Well program helps people who are in the survivorship phase of cancer recovery following surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments.

There is significant evidence to support women commencing or returning to a regular exercise program following treatment. Exercise not only assists women to build up their general fitness but increases mobility, strength and generally improves mood and emotional state.

Time and cost

  • Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00—2:00pm
  • $8 per session or $7 per session in a multi-pass